Sunday, April 29, 2007

Feeding the Fish with El Topo

There is something more than interesting to me about how the human body distorts and contracts when challenged.
Kind of like when you pull your dick out of a girl’s ass and you have the compelling urge to look down at a gapping hole expanding and contracting like the mouth of a fish waiting to be fed.
The funny thing about tonight is that it was the second time I have anal closed a girl in two weeks.
By all means this is not normal weekly ritual, hence the post.
But what is even better is that tonight I had an extra surprise, because this was one of those girls with the darker tones highlighting their genital area. So the contrast of the inhaling asshole’s bright delicious pink inner lining and darker outside rim makes it a feast to watch.
It truly is a phenomenon one must pay homage to.

And then you put your dick back in.

Some of the folks in the community have spoken about how anal sex is unappealing to them, but I can’t relate.

But as Sinn (who has put in his two cents about how inert anal sex is to him) told me, ‘its easy. Just when you’re fucking her from behind start lubing up her ass, and she’ll know what’s happening.’
I put in some “dirty whore OBEY’ framing too, but I was surprised to see how easy it has been to just expect it rather that ask for permission, which has no success rate.

And as I said this is the second time this week.
The first girl was a girl I had opened a while ago.
A hairdresser who I have not put much effort into. But when you have an art show, and the day of the show, in fact right when it starts a tornado touches down 4 miles away, you try and get everybody possible to come.
So she came and later that night I fucked her.
I figure whenever a girl stays around at an isolated area, the close signs are there.
But there are always those other factors that can pop up.
In this case she stayed around with a few of the other artists after the show, and I took her into the office area, while everybody else mulled about in the gallery area, and went for it.
Isolating her in the office area was a way of calibrating. I didn’t sense any resistance and when I closed the door behind us, there was no real reaction of fear that I could sense. So I grabbed her, did a few take ways and began the make-out.

There was no lube, so spit was my only form of wetting that puckered brown kiss. Loosened her up a little and pushed that sucker in there.

So I was excited of the feat.
I finished up, turned on the lights,
and DAMN, a fucking the mess. I have gone anal many times before, and was always impressed at how clean women’s asses are. But not this one. Maybe its because she’s a vegetarian.
There was shit all over my groin area, all over the condom, and outside the office door were some of my friends. The other artists!
Not to mention, that her ass wasn’t any cleaner.

I didn’t want to put my pants back on and get vegetarian shit all over them.

So I did what I had to do.
I ran out pants in hand crossed the gallery space, with only shit and a cum-filled condom covering the skin I was born into.
I hear laughing after I pass, followed by hushed dialogue, then loud taunting comments towards me.
Got to the bathroom and went for some hands ‘get that shit off your dick’ clean up.

Threw the condom in the toilet (sorry seals) and washed my hands about 20 times.

In any case, some kindness came from my heart, as after I cleaned myself I brought some paper towels for the girl, still hopelessly waiting/cowering in the office.

Which then brings us to tonight.

This one is a record for me.
So this is my other Mandarin coach, not the one I already posted on, but if you remember that post you'll know I have two. She is not Asian, but half Middle Eastern. Half and half of anything almost always comes out good.
This whole not mixing of seed thing is a really bad idea.
This girl is a total prude. Total nerd. She’s probably a 6, but could be a 9 if she wanted to. This tends to be the case with most women anyway.
But I like her, and have wanted to fuck her for a while. She, being more of a reclusive girl makes her hard to crack

But due to my new enhancements in comfort game I was able to rock her world. She is now 1) Sexually framed with me, and 2) totally hooked.

This is an aspect to the ‘Red Stack’

But you need to sync up with the target, but in this you sync up sexually. And not just any old way. You sync up, with something like this… (mind you, at this point you need to be in some good comfort, calibrate it. I would say about 2-3 hours. But it works like crazy on every girl I have done it on, but has big LMR turnout too. But eventually you’ll close em.)

“You know when I met you, you seemed kind’a weird. Like I didn’t really know why I was talking to you, but I was really engaged at the same time. And usually I am really good at reading people. Like when I was younger …(act embarrassed) no you know, I …
(bait them here and wait for them to react in some way, and at that reaction either fall react back, then continue)
I can’t believe I am saying this to you. But, its like when I feel myself getting close to someone… like you know, how I feel with you right now, I want to tell them.
But its one of those things, I can tell you will understand. (at this point you can do multiples of different storytelling things. I have a few that work on this level. You can make em up, but here is an easy one.)
So promise me you won’t like get freaked out, I mean I know…well whatever.
So when I was 6 my parents had a babysitter to take care of me and (insert siblings).
She was 20 something, not like college age but a little older (I think this is important to make them older and female to fit the frame).
But she would be really mean to us. And be like really mean to us sexually. She would do all sorts of fucked up things that I don’t really remember, but they were always just really humiliating. And when you’re six it is really confusing.
And then you get older and you start to have all the hormones kick in and you have all these screwed up associations with sex and you’re just confused in a big way about it.
Anyway, so it is like this weird thing.
You know…
(at this point you need to calibrate where you are going to take the story. If a girl has had a similar experience she will let you know at this point. But if you sense that she hasn’t then work it into straight comfort, like “I don’t know why I just told you all that stuff, but I could tell that there something about you that I can trust and feel close to.” Make something up. But I hate to say it, statistically there will be something that syncs to this, and if that’s the case continue with this)
So like sexually I’m kind of weird. I have always loved women. I have tons of women friends, like my two best friends are girls. And I feel comfortable with them, but I also have this like resentment as well. Like don’t get me wrong, but in relationships, it is hard. My girlfriends in the past would get freaked out with me sometimes, because I just want to be like dominated by a woman and then sometimes I want to dominate. Like I don’t mean to be getting into deep with you here, but seriously, like it is hard for me to relate sexually. You know…
(and at this point they will have already interjected with their stories. If they haven’t ask to share it, and roll with it. Ask them to share it with you, not in a game ‘tic for tack’ way, but in a ‘come on I just totally opened myself up to you, I don’t want to pressure you, but I would like you to share that with me too’ way.)

The main points to this routine are as follows
-connect with them sexually
-make yourself sexually vulnerable due to a female. This frames it as 1)your sex acts between a female can get crazy and they will role play and 2) The accept that female role either to fix or mimic.
-relate to them sexually in a way that nobody else understands. This should make sense to everybody. But if someone can know it is okay to be totally crazy with you sexually that’s more powerful than anything on a human level.
-keep the frame so that it is only sexual, and not relationship bound. It is something like when you are running it, you should put in take aways. Like when she warms up to you, you tell her, ‘this means we can only be like really good friends, or else it would be totally crazy.’ Then keep going, and escalating. During escalation, when you see her start to get more sexually excited, make sure and have her play the role. Remember we have to be friends, but for now you’re and bad bad girl.

-The LMR factor- this always sucks, but seems to happen. But you can plow through it or just fuck them next time. It can escalate really fast, and if the role playing breaks at any point they can lose it, and pull themselves back. But playing it cool seems to give me a close in the long run.

So anyway, back to the story.
I ran this on this girl actually after I found out about her fucked up sex history.
She actually has a boy friend.
While I ran it on this HB you could see it in her eyes. We were actually outside at a Coffee Shop. She was in like crazy deep.
I got up and asked if she could give me a ride to the store. We went in her car and I grabbed her and pulled her to me.
I said, “sorry I just…”
And she starting making out with me and grabbing my dick.
She said she wanted to see me jerk off.
So I did, and talked crazy dirty to her. You have got to maintain and escalate the frame.
I said, “you wanna fuck me”
HB “no you mean, you wanna fuck me.”
ET “then fuck me in the bathroom”

We go to the bathroom.
We fuck, 10 mins goes by, and a line builds. And we leave to finish elsewhere. The line isn’t fooled.

We go to a Target. The bathrooms there are stalls and you are definitely not fooling anybody there.
We leave there and go back to my well broken in studio.

I fuck the shit out of this girl. She keeps saying ‘harder!’
And I don’t know how much harder I can go. I am in pretty good shape and I have to stop for cardio. I am about to have a heart attact.
We go again. She say, ‘Hard, you fucking pussy! Make me cry!’
Good lord! I feel so inadequate. Besides if I fuck her any harder I am going to cum.
I need a cock ring.
Her ass is beyond red on both sides. A bunch of her hair is pulled out.
So the ass lube begins.
And I fuck her ass.
I fuck her ass hard.
She Cries...She totally breaksdown...
I tell her I want her to suck her ass off my dick before I cum her mouth (all that porn influence I have).
And no shit, she does. It was clean this time (at least visually), I can’t fucking believe it.
That’s a first.

She says she has never had an experience like that. Never gone anal, and anything beyond.
The only problem is her bruised ass, and hiding it from her boyfriend.
And the good thing about this is that I can always have an out by saying, ‘it is just too close to home, I can’t handle it.’

1 comment:

Masters said...

This post entertained me as much as Tucker Max's similar story.

You really should write here more often..